Diamond ‘The Young Life’ Diary of Diamond Chronicles : Chapter One

Go on a journey with Diamond in Chapter One of The Young Life Diary of Diamond Chronicles. Ride with Diamond from the 2012 Luda Day Celebrity Basketball Game to Diamond partying late at night throwing down glasses of rose at gay club Rush in ATL. Diamond also explains how living The Young Life doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be young and finally reveals that her lipstick line will be in conjunction with Secret Kisses.
On the lifestyle she is currently living : The Young Life is a lifestyle. Its care free, stress free, you know definitely being focused and having a drive to be the best you that you can be. A lot of times when you get to a certain age you know um older you tend to have more headaches because you have more of a responsibility and The Young Life isn’t just more so being you know 18, 19, 25. Its more so of where the heart is. You can be 45 and 56 and still live The Young Life so that’s what The Young Life is.”
On the gay community : “I definitely support the gay community. They have been supporting me since day 1 and they know how to party. Its more of a come as you are vs you know out at regular clubs you know its a lot of the focus is what you have on or you what you drove up to the club in. With them its more so that I feel that they just know how to party and have a good time and they accept you the way that you come, the way that chu are.”
On upcoming lipstick line with Secret Kisses : “As my journey continues and as you guys continue to be part of The Young Life journey my story will unfold and you will be able to see why moves were made you know, but um it is what it is I’m living a young life. I’m happy life is just now beginning for me um all the opportunities for me like shouts out to Secret Kisses. I have a lipstick line with them that’s coming out.”